Saturday, October 13, 2012

Hodge Podge Thanks

It's time for me to give thanks again, but I'm also going to present random thoughts, too.

I'm thankful that I'm pretty much done with my online class. 

I'm thankful for my new friend Tim who knows how to hang out.

I'm thankful that Mary may have a job soon, though who knows?  I kinda like the idea of being responsible for Andrew again. 

I'm thankful that I've had the heat on this week.  Georgia's weather will always confuse me, even though I've lived here a majority of my life.

I'm thankful for love and affection.

I'm thankful for people who defend Mitt Romney.  They give me hope.

I'm thankful that God is sovereign no matter who gets elected.

I'm thankful that my job will not be over on November 7.

Have you heard of the band Autumn Film?

They have amazing music and are mostly secular, but ages ago I noticed something different about them.  Maybe it was that their lyrics had hope.

Then I noticed recently they are also a Christian band named Page CXVI.

What is interesting, however, if Derek Webb produces them.  I have mixed feelings about him.  I loved him in Caedmon's Call, and he's one who really convinced me of Calvin's teachings.  However, when he went solo, he seemed more affirming of liberal ideals, like being anti-Bush, and supporting gay people.  He toured with Jennifer Knapp right before she came out as a lesbian.  Should I be wary of acts that he supports?  I still love Autumn Film's music.

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