This is Nugget the Wonder Horse portrayed by Chocolate
This is Sadie's Sarsaparilla Parlor
The sign for said parlor
Our notorious candy thief. Duh, duh, duhn
This is the door to my classroom/office
The lovely Petunia, portrayed by Amy Frey
My dad, Andy Smith, who rewrote the Gold Rush skits. He plays Scruffy
Darlene Cato, Chocolate's owner, teacher, and an amazing blessing to our church and VBS
Nugget on a normal day
By the last week of VBS, Nugget will be married.
Some of our youth.
Me leading in "the Solid Rock."
Your dad looks pretty cool. I bet we'd get along well. (Besides, we both have daughters the same age. : )
My dad is pretty awesome. I have a love/hate relationship with him being too much like him in personality, but I couldn't have asked for a better father. Hope all is well!