Monday, August 8, 2011

The journeys of Abram

My new curricula is still making me happy at church.  It's got good visuals and puzzles and games that can keep a kid's attention.  It's called "On the Way" and published by Christian Focus.  To prepare, I drew pictures of Abram's family.  Keep in mind, God gave me many talents like singing, teaching, but drawing is not one of them.  I consider myself an abstract artist.  So, without further ado, here's Tereh:

Nahor and his wife Milcah

Abram and Sarai


Haran's son, Lot.

For my teen, she's 12 years old until September, I read the passage.  I also read from Hebrews 11 about Abraham and Sarah.  Then asked some questions.  Then we played a quiz game where I asked a question, and if she got it right, she picked up a card with either an arrow or nothing and had to get on a map from Ur to Haran to Canaan using six arrows.  It wasn't a fair game because she was the only player.  But she answered enough questions to even go round trip back to Ur.  Then I taught her "Father Abraham" which she had never heard before and loved.  Since she comes only every other week, I sent her off with a notebook of Scriptures to read each day and questions to journal.  I think she's really excited about it.

For the kids, I had the same lesson, but they had pictures to either glue or tape onto the map.  They then colored the maps.  I had 6 kids!  I was so blessed yesterday.

Video will be on separate post.

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