Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Vision statement

1. Does your Church have a vision/ mission statement?
Vision: To be a church where God's truth is alive.
Mission: to seek, worship, and follow God while sharing the love of Christ
Core values: 1. Seek God's will
2. Make Scripture authority
3. Reach out to others with love of Jesus
4. Demonstrate God's love in all we do.
5. Worship God and seek to grow spiritually
6. Hunger and thirst for righteousness.

2. Is it useful (explain)?
The vision statement, mission statment, and core values are all excellent. They are framed in the back of our sanctuary, but I didn't even know they were there until yesterday. The pastor couldn't tell me the vision statement over the phone. It's an excellent vision statement, and I do feel like we live up to it, but maybe it should be on our bulletins or something.

3. Does your ministry have one?
My ministry does not currently have one but I might be playing off of the church's statement. To be a church where God's truth is alive and learned.

4. Is it useful (explain)?
It doesn't exist yet, but I think with some explanation it could be good. The mission off of that vision statement is to teach Scriptures, theology, and the worship of God through love and fellowship. I think I share the core values with the church's.

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