Sunday, February 17, 2013

Dear Fellow Pro-Lifers

Because I can't sleep.  This is never a good idea to blog when you can't sleep, but it's been a couple of days.  Anyway, I've had enough.

Hi!  I'm Meghan.  I'm pro-life.  I volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center.  I will defend the unborn if it means going to jail.  I can tell you many stories of these young women who are coerced into an abortion clinic both before and after and can tell, they never feel like they have a choice.  It goes to the point I'm actually starting to get more horrified from stories I hear from certain experiences and am finding reasons to fight simply for the sake of the victimized mothers.

However, there has got to be a better way to defend the dignity of the unborn victims than showing their naked, mangled bodies on the Facebook news feed.  I'm not saying there is not a time an place for those pictures.  I'm not saying I have never posted them.  They are great for showing people how inhumane and barbarous the practice of abortion actually is.  Facebook news feed is not that time or place for those pictures.

This is for the same reason I do not want to watch R-rated movies or expose young children to graphic images, whether it's porn, rape, or things that go on in the bedroom.  Facebook is a public forum viewed by pro-life and anti-life alike.  It is where I get my news.  Forget CNN or Fox News.  I just rely on facebook.  However, avid supporters of your cause such as I cannot sleep at night because of these pictures and the only people that ever really respond to them are the ones who agree with you.

So, for the sake of honoring the unborn children or victims of any age or situation, please stop posting them.  If you must, make another website, link to it, and warn people that there are graphic images.

Love you all,

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