Saturday, May 26, 2012

Breaking Peter

This is based on last week's article in Tabletalk called "Broken but Remade."  It was so wonderful because it went right along with the lesson I taught in Children's Church: the account of Jesus forgiving Peter after he had risen from the dead.

Harry Reeder's article is about the many times Jesus broke and remade Peter.  The first is when Peter had been fishing all night.  He was worn out, but Jesus asked him for some fish.  Begrudgingly, Peter sent in his net which was so full that the boat almost sank.  Instead of swelling with pride, Peter bowed in worship to Jesus saying, "I am a sinful man." 

2. Jesus walked on water.  Peter wanted to try it.  Peter did try it, but then the storm picked up and he started getting scared.  He took his eyes off of Jesus and then he sank.  Jesus declared, "You of little faith."  Again, Peter was broken.

3. Then there's the time at Caesarea Philippi where Jesus asked his disciples who he was, who do they say that he is?  Peter got the answer with "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."  Jesus gives him a pat on the back and explains that he only got that answer because of the Holy Spirit.  That didn't faze Peter just yet.  Jesus then started to talk about his crucifixion, and Peter decides to rebuke Christ.  Christ has to call him Satan to make him realize that his role as Christ is to die on a cross to take the punishment that all believers deserve.

4.  Finally, Peter declares that he will follow Christ to the death.  Christ declares that Peter will deny him three times before sunrise.  Guess what?  Peter denies him three times.  Now, Jesus is alive again and appears to the disciples on a beach and tells them to fish again.  After another boat-breaking catch, Peter jumps into the water with his clothes on and swims to the shore.  After breakfast, Jesus asks Peter 3 times if he loves him.  The third time, Peter is ashamed because he had denied Christ three times.  He let Christ down.  But Christ still uses him to gather the church together and get Christendom started at Pentecost.  And Peter finally believes enough to not sacrifice his salvation to save his skin, but eventually gets crucified upside-down for Christ.

Have I ever been broken and remade?  If so, do I still work to save my own skin, or am I willing to face shame for my belief in Christ, that salvation is by him alone?  I am broken.  I just look to the Lord for my remaking.

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